There are several ramifications of quitting nicotine of any type. These aspects can be seen as negative because of the impact they have on our lives. Even the worst of these symptoms caused by quitting smoking are short-lived and have a positive outcome, however. Keeping the end result in mind can help you fight the negative effects caused by the withdrawal from nicotine.
Nicotine changes your body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels by inhibiting the release of insulin. Within an hour of withdrawing nicotine from your system, the blood sugar in your blood stream drops to dangerous levels. This causes extreme fatigue. It takes several days for the body to even out and adjust to the lack of stimulus and learn to release insulin at the proper rates to keep your blood sugar in check. Drink fruit juice to help boost your blood sugar and limit the impact of nicotine withdrawal on your system.
Irritability and Anger
Anger and irritability increase in the first week after quitting smoking. It is common to feel edgy and be less able to control your temper. Take a walk or participate in other exercise to blow off steam. Give yourself soothing times to relax in a hot bath. When necessary just find a quite place to be alone and let it all out. Cry, scream and stomp your feet to let the tension out. You'll feel better and be surprised at how short-lived those feelings are. If you happen to accidentally let your anger spill out to family or associates, apologize for your actions and get on with your life. Understand that these feelings will not last forever.
An increase in oxygen in the blood causes bouts of dizziness. It also causes headaches and increased hunger. These symptoms are actually signs of a positive effect of quitting smoking that is the extra oxygen available to all areas of the body. It just takes the body a little time to get used to a good thing.
Smoking a single cigarette takes approximately five minutes. Smokers who consume a pack a day will have 100 extra minutes in a day. At first that feeling of so much time on your hands can lead to a feeling of boredom or restlessness. Keep your hands busy with a hobby while you adjust to the new time you have. This same feeling can happen when you use a smoke break at work to socialize or let off steam from your daily grind. Pick a new way to fill that time (a walk, a phone call to a distant relative) before you quit to stave off the temptation to have a smoke with your buddies at work.
Weight Gain
Several factors of quitting tobacco have a hand in possible weight gain. The first is the drop in blood sugar that makes the body feel like it is working extra hard and needs more fuel. The second is the increased oxygen in the blood stream. The biggest impact on hunger when quitting smoking is the need to do something with your hands and mouth. Realizing that all of the factors involved are temporary and most of all, false readings on the part of your body, can help you stop yourself from reaching for a snack. If you really feel the need to give into a food craving reach for sugar-free gum.
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