Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the cells in the lining of the lower esophagus change shape or color, typically due to continuous exposure to stomach acid. According to the NDDIC (National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse), the exact cause of Barrett's esophagus is unknown. But it is more likely to develop in those with chronic, untreated GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux). Treating Barrett's esophagus as early and as effectively as possible is very important, since the condition increases the chances of developing cancer of the esophagus.
Alternative treatments not requiring medication or surgery can help to heal Barrett's esophagus, as long as dysplasia (abnormal cell growth which can lead to cancer) is not present. These treatments should be used in tandem to achieve the best results.
1. Avoid foods that will aggravate your acid reflux. These include chocolate, caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, fried or fatty foods, foods containing tomatoes or tomato paste (such as salsa, pizza and spaghetti sauce), garlic and onions.
2. Lose weight and stop smoking, if necessary. According to a study published in the June 1 issue the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found even gaining just a few pounds can exacerbate acid production in patients suffering from GERD. Nicotine, on the other hand, weakens the lower esophageal sphincter.
3. Eat smaller meals. It does not matter how many meals you eat a day, so long as you eat when you are hungry, do not eat too much, and follow a healthy diet suitable in calories. Also avoid eating sooner than three hours before bedtime or bending over after eating. Don't lie down after meals, as this can increase the chance of heartburn developing.
4. Purchase a mattress insert to elevate your mattress approximately six to eight inches. This will prevent acid from pooling around your esophagus. Simply raising your head using pillows is not sufficient, because it will cause the body to bend at the waist, forcing acid into the esophagus.
5. Take a herbal supplement containing green tea extract, an antioxidant supplement, and a daily multivitamin. According to a study published in the January 15, 2009 edition of Clinical Cancer Research, Polyphenon E (green tea extract) inhibited the growth of Barrett's esophagus, as well as the development of cancer-causing cells. Similarly, in a study published in the 2008 edition of Nutrition and Cancer, patients taking a daily multivitamin and an antioxidant supplement showed a reduced risk of the development of esophageal cancer and tumorous growths.
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