Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obtain A Tobacco Smoke Smell From A Drop Ceiling

Avoid using harsh, abrasive chemicals to clean a drop ceiling.

A dropped, or suspended, ceiling is hung to camouflage HVAC ductwork, plumbing and wiring. A grid is suspended from the original ceiling and used to support tiles manufactured from wood, plastic or metal. Cigarette smoke is pervasive and seeps into the porous ceiling tiles, trapping the nicotine and creating third-hand smoke. According to the Mayo Clinic, nicotine residue created by second-hand smoke lingers on surfaces and mixes with everyday pollutants to create a potentially carcinogenic mixture.


1. Create a mixture of 1/2 cup white vinegar, 4 cups distilled water and 1/4 tsp. lavender essential oil in a plastic spray bottle. Replace the bottle's top and shake it to mix all the ingredients.

2. Spray a thin layer of the mixture on the first ceiling tile. Allow the mixture to remain for five minutes before dabbing at it with a clean white cloth to work it into the tiles. Avoid scrubbing the tiles vigorously to prevent removing them from the metal tracks.

3. Spray the tile with plain water from a separate spray bottle. Dab the tile with a dry white cloth to remove the excess water.

4. Repeat the cleaning process on the remaining ceiling tiles. The vinegar acts as a natural disinfectant that removes the nicotine odors from the ceiling while the lavender essential oil leaves behind a light, pleasant aroma.

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