While there are many ways to quit smoking, you'll have the best chance at butting out for good if you choose a method that best suits your needs. So pick a method, set a quit date and become the non-smoker you wish you were.
Cold Turkey
This is probably the hardest method to use. A slang term, quitting cold turkey involves using your will power and distractions to break the smoking habit. Replace smoking with healthier habits such as going for a walk, drinking a glass of water or starting a new hobby that keeps your hands occupied. Side effects include the typical nicotine withdrawal symptoms of edginess, depression and headache.
The Patch
Nicotine is delivered through an adhesive patch worn on the skin. A steady and measured dosage of nicotine is passed to the blood stream. Typically a smoker starts with a high dosage patch for the first four weeks of use and then lowers the dosage for the following four weeks of treatment. Side effects include vivid dreams, racing heat beat, dizziness and headache.
Needles are placed in specific areas of the ear. This method of smoking cessation has not been scientifically proven to work, but there are those who believe it may lessen the desire to smoke. This method involves no prescription drugs or nicotine replacement, so it is safe to use in conjunction with other stop smoking methods. Typical withdrawal symptoms may be experienced but in lesser strength.
Nicotine Gum
Chew a piece of nicotine gum when the craving to smoke hits you. Chew until you experience a "peppery" taste and then let the piece rest in the side of your cheek. Repeat the chew and rest method until the urge to smoke subsides or the gum has lost its flavor. The dosage is controlled by you, but do not exceed 20 pieces of gum per day. Side effects include mouth sores, racing heat beat, hiccups and nausea.
Nicotine Lozenges
Similar to nicotine gum, this 12-week treatment delivers nicotine via sucking on a small lozenge when the urge to smoke strikes. A maximum of 20 lozenges per day may be used; smoking after treatment begins is highly discouraged. Side effects include heartburn, nausea, headache and sleeping difficulty.
Nicotine Inhalers
The inhaler is used to mimic the act of smoking, which can help fulfill the physical habit of smoking, while also giving the body the nicotine it craves without the added chemicals. Typically 6- to 16-nicotine cartridges are used per day. Side effects include coughing, nausea, and throat irritation.
Electronic Cigarette
Similar to the inhaler, this method most closely mimics the act of smoking. The device looks like a cigarette and contains a nicotine cartridge inside. An atomizer is triggered when the user puffs on the device, mixing the nicotine with water vapor. The result is the feeling of smoking, complete with "smoke," made up of the air vapor and nicotine. This method can be used as either a smoking cessation or replacement device.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is not FDA approved for quitting smoking. The theory behind this treatment is that the laser releases endorphins similar to those experienced when a smoker smokes a cigarette. It supposedly balances the body's energies and makes quitting smoking easier. This method has no specific side effects aside from withdrawal and can be used in conjunction with many other quitting methods.
An anti-depressant prescription medication found to be effective in quitting smoking. It reduces the symptoms of withdrawal, but contains no nicotine. Heavy smokers are sometimes encouraged to use Zyban in conjunction with other smoking cessation treatments to increase their chances of success. This treatment is not recommended for sufferers of bi-polar disorder or eating disorders.
This newer prescription medication blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain, taking away the pleasurable experience smokers get from cigarettes. It is a 12-week treatment that starts by taking one .5-mg pill once per day. The dosage is then steadily increased over the first week until the dosage reaches 2-mg per day. Smoking is allowed during the first week of treatment and smokers are encouraged to set a firm quit date sometime during their second week of treatment. Side effects include headaches, nausea, sleep trouble and depression in those who have suffered from depression in the past.
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