Monday, April 7, 2014

Extract Nicotine From The Cigar

The starting implement

Extracting the nicotine from a cigar is possible, and may be done with a small number of household ingredients. However, you should always keep in mind that nicotine is a deadly toxin and should not be consumed, ever, in its pure form; you must exercise the greatest caution when handling and using the final product.


1. Remove all bands and cellophane from the cigar, and shred the cigar using the scissors into small pieces. Put the pieces of the cigar into the glass container.

2. Add boiling water to the glass container; just enough to ensure that the cigar shreds are submerged in the boiling water. Affix the cap, and allow the cigar-water to steep for about 24 hours.

3. Filter the cigar-water through the coffee filter. Pour the resultant water (it should be nearly black) into a shallow pan, and place on the stove top.

4. Simmer the filtered cigar-water down to a supersaturated fluid (it will become thicker). You will want to maintain good ventilation---keep a fan and windows open to help circulate air. Allow the supersaturated solution to cool slowly, stirring with the glass stirring rod.

5. Pour the thick supersaturated solution again into a coffee filter, and allow it to rest undisturbed for another 24 hours. The resultant material left behind in the filter is pure nicotine.

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