If you have tried Twitter but are ready to quit, deactivating your account is easy to do. You may be new to Twitter and really don't see the point, or you have been tweeting since your father was just a twinkle in your grandfather's eye and have finally decided to kick the "twabbit." Or perhaps you've had it with all those adorable, Twitter-related neologisms like "twabbit." Whatever your reason for quitting, take the following precautionary measures while you are throwing in the "twowel."
1. Sign in to your Twitter account on the Twitter homepage (see Resources.)
2. Go to your "Settings" page. To access your "Settings" page on New Twitter, click your username in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, and then select "Settings." To access "Settings" on Old Twitter, just click "Settings" in the upper right-hand corner. Most users are on New Twitter. If you are on Old Twitter, you will see a banner that reads, "You're using an older version of Twitter that won't be around for much longer."
3. Click the "Mobile" menu item in the "Settings" menu bar at the top of the "Settings" page.
4. Click the "Delete and start over?" button if you have associated your Twitter account with your mobile number. This dissociates your mobile number from your Twitter account and ensures your mobile number will remain available should you choose to re-join Twitter under a different username in the future. If you have not associated your mobile device with your Twitter account, ignore this step.
5. Click "Account" in the "Settings" navigation bar.
6. Change your username and email address to ones you would not likely associate with any future Twitter account should you decide to re-join. If you do not change your username, email address and mobile number prior to deactivating your Twitter account, they will never again be available for use on Twitter.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click "Deactivate my account."
8. Click the button that reads, "Okay, fine, deactivate my account."
9. Enter your current password, and then click the "Deactivate account" button.
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