Women shouldn't wait until they become pregnant to focus on eating a healthy diet. Diet can have a lot to do with whether a woman is able to conceive in the first place. By eating a healthy diet, you can boost your fertility and greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant in the shortest amount of time.
Foods to Add
To increase your fertility, it is important that you consume a well-balanced diet. Focus on natural foods instead of processed foods. Get your fat intake from monounsaturated fat, such as that found in olive oil, nuts and avocados. Eat natural foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, that are free from preservatives and additives. Such additives can disrupt blood sugar levels, upsetting your hormone balance and reducing your fertility. Complement your intake of fresh foods with healthy carbohydrates, such as those found in 100 percent whole-grain products.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid eating red meat, since it increases the level of ammonia in your body which, in turn, can disrupt implantation of an egg in the uterus. Eat wheat and dairy products only in moderation. Many women are intolerant to wheat without even realizing it, so it's best to avoid wheat products when trying to conceive. Dairy products are full of animal hormones that can affect your hormone levels. When you do buy dairy products, choose organic options because they contain lower amounts of these animal hormones.
Greatly reduce or eliminate your consumption of alcohol, which can also negatively affect your hormone balance. Avoid smoking and taking drugs of any kind, since nicotine and most drugs decrease the health of your ovaries and can upset the ovulation cycle. Cut soda and coffee from your diet--both contain caffeine, which upsets your natural blood sugar levels and is a suspected cause of miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy.
Vitamin Supplements
Since most women either cannot or do not get enough nutrients from their daily diets, it is important to begin taking vitamin supplements when trying to conceive. Choose a prenatal vitamin that offers a good variety of essential vitamins and minerals. In particular, look for one that includes the B vitamins, folic acid and zinc. These vitamins are necessary for the proper formation of the female sex hormones. They also help to reduce the risk of birth defects and are essential to a healthy menstrual cycle.
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