Get, Free Stop Smoking Aids
Smoking is the number-one preventable cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Quitting smoking at any time, whether you have been smoking for five years or 30, can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and respiratory problems. A number of smoking cessation aids are available for people wanting to quit, but they can get pricey. Here are a few ways to get started without having to spend a dime.
1. Contact your local Public Health Office and talk to them about free smoking cessation programs in your area. Some hospitals provide classes free of charge for people interested in quitting, and some offer a starter kit of medications, nicotine patches or gum at no cost to you.
2. Attend Nicotine Anonymous meetings. NA is a free support group where you can talk to other people working through the process of quitting. The principles of NA are based on a 12-step spiritual program.
3. Browse the web to find support groups. Quitnet is a free online support group where community members can chat, find resources or talk with experts in the medical field for support.
4. Call the American Lung Association and ask if they are currently offering any free cessation materials or medications. They may be aware of a health fair coming to your area where you can pick up complimentary materials.
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