Take it slow after having your baby.
Getting back to pre-baby form requires time and patience. How fast you lose weight and get a flat tummy depends on your delivery (ex. vaginal delivery or cesarean), your metabolism and whether your stomach muscles have lost strength. If your delivery wasn't complicated, exercising within a few days of your delivery can be done with your physician's approval. If you had a complicated birth or C-section, allow your body to heal before jumping into an exercise routine.
1. Think about your choices of food.
Eat healthier. In order to get the tummy you desire, you should consider the foods you're eating. As noted by the website MayoClinic.com, incorporate whole-grains, fruits, yogurt, fish and vegetables into your diet to feel full quicker, while giving you the nutrients you need. This will help you avoid junk food.
2. Engage your core (abdominal) muscles. Exercises that focus on your core will not only strengthen your abdominal muscles but also tone the underlying muscles as well. Core exercises include reverse ab crunches (pulling the abs and hips off the floor) and scissor kicks.
3. Use your leisure time as a way of working out.
Include aerobic excercise in your routine. Take a walk around the park or mall to burn calories during the day.
4. Incorporate your baby while exercising as suggested by Super Nanny. One exercise you can do is to support your baby on your knees while doing crunches. As you raise your head and shoulders off of the floor, contract your abs while you smile at your baby.
5. Consider breastfeeding. Breastfeeding stimulates contractions of the uterus, resulting in the shrinking of the uterus. According to Pregnancy Info, breastfeeding also burns up to 500 calories a day.
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