Friday, September 13, 2013

Put Filter Tips About Cigarettes To Prevent Breathing in Tar

Add filter tips to your cigarettes to reduce the amount of tar you inhale.

It is difficult to determine the amount of tar that cigarette filter tips remove from inhaled smoke. There are many filter tips on the market, and almost all of them are manufactured differently. And although manufacturers may claim to be able to produce scientific proof of the amount of tar filtered, study results can be biased. No cigarette filter is able to remove all of the tar from a cigarette. The only way to ensure that you are not introducing any tar into your lungs is to stop smoking.


1. Slide the filter end of your cigarette into the reservoir in the filter tip.

2. Smoke the cigarette.

3. Remove the filter tip from the cigarette.

4. Wash the filter according to the manufacturer's instructions. If your filter tip does not require washing, skip to step five.

5. Re-use the filter tip on the number of cigarettes dictated by the manufacturer. Going beyond that limit could negate the filter tip's tar-reducing capacity.

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