Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remove Smells With Pinesol

You can remove pet odors from your home with Pine-Sol.

While Pine-Sol is traditionally a hard-surface cleaning and disinfecting agent, it has a surprisingly wide range of uses throughout the house. It can help remove stubborn odors from many types of surfaces, including clothing, carpets, furniture, mattresses, paint, flooring and walls. In addition, it is effective on different kinds of odors, including urine, vomit and cigarettes. However, Pine-Sol can damage some surfaces, so make sure you test it in an inconspicuous spot before proceeding.


1. Use it on carpets. Pine-Sol can be an effective way to get rid of pet urine smells in carpeting. For best results, dab undiluted cleaner on your carpet with a sponge and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse your sponge and use it with water to remove the Pine-Sol from the carpet. Repeat as necessary.

2. Remove nicotine odors. Pine-Sol has a strong smell of its own, and will remove or permanently mask the smell of cigarettes in most spaces. Pour the cleaner into small bowls with water and let them sit overnight in the area with closed doors. The following day, discard the Pine-Sol solution and ventilate the space.

3. Treat mattresses with Pine-Sol. For children who have nighttime accidents, Pine-Sol can help make mattresses smell fresh again. Pour undiluted Pine-Sol on the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes to half an hour. Use a sponge and water to remove the Pine-Sol, and use paper towels to soak up the remaining moisture.

4. Pre-treat your laundry. For tough odors and stains on clothing, add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Pine-Sol to pre-wash in your washing machine. Run the load as usual, and repeat with regular laundry detergent to remove the Pine-Sol odor from clothing.

5. Deodorize hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are porous and can absorb smells. For best results, sweep or vacuum the floor prior to treating with Pine-Sol. Dilute the cleaner with water and use a sponge to apply it on the floor. Immediately clean up the solution to prevent water or cleanser stains. Do not use on untreated floors.

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