You can beat nicotine.
Nicotine is a addictive and dangerous drug. By causing changes in the brain, nicotine causes users to become more and more dependent on it, and then suffer heavily from symptoms of withdrawal while trying to quit. Although nicotine is a formidable opponent, with preparation and support, it can be defeated. Whether you are addicted to nicotine in the form of cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco, there is hope.
1. Set a quit date. Give yourself time to prepare for the withdrawal symptoms, and to get support. Pick a quit date either at random, or a date of significance to you and label it on the calendar. Be firm with your quit date and do not allow yourself to change it repeatedly. Try to avoid quitting on days you have already determined will be high stress. But know that you can quit, even in the worst of times.
2. Inform your family and friends that you plan on quitting smoking. Ask them for their support and encouragement. Having as much support as possible is a great way to keep yourself motivated and accountable. When you are suffering from withdrawals, lean on your support system. Call them if you feel like faltering, or if you need a distraction.
3. Plan ahead for cravings and challenges. Acknowledge that you will face intense cravings and withdrawals, and plan for it. If you normally smoke during lunch at work, plan an alternate activity such as taking a walk or giving a friend a call. Don't allow yourself to be caught off guard by the withdrawal symptoms. Consider carrying sunflower seeds or gum if you need to do something with your mouth.
4. Remove all tobacco products from your house and car. Don't plan for failure by keeping a pack or two just in case. Remove all tobacco products and ask anybody else residing with you to keep their tobacco products away. You may eventually be fine around other smokers and tobacco products, but prepare yourself in case it increases your cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
5. Reward yourself. Nicotine addictions are expensive, and now that you've kicked the habit you deserve a reward. Set aside any money that you normally spend on tobacco products and set a specific reward and goal. For example, after 3 months of being nicotine-free you might reward yourself with a mini vacation or a new laptop.
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