Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ephedra Versus Clenbuterol

If you search for ephedra and clenbuterol online, you will likely find a list of products as well as comments by users who rave about them. The two are often used interchangeably, but there are differences between them, as they are used for different goals. You should exercise caution, as dangerous side effects are associated with each.


Ephedra is a beta-antagonist, a bronchodilator, and a stimulant to the central nervous system. Ephedra is a type of Chinese herb called ma huang that is used in weight loss supplements. To increase the effectiveness of ephedra, aspirin and caffeine are added to the supplements.

Ephedra's Side Effects

Side effects of ephedra include heart attack, stroke, hypertension, and even death. Such side effects were studied by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in relation to ephedrine alkaloids. According to Mayo Clinic, in 2004, the sale of ephedra supplements was banned by the FDA. However, ephedra has since resurfaced online for purchase. People still seek out such supplements due to their weight-loss capabilities.


Like ephedra, clenbuterol is a type of bronchodilator and beta-antagonist that stimulates your nervous system. Clenbuterol is often combined with steroids for athletic use. It is used illicitly in the United States by athletes, because it helps to build muscles and burn fat. Clenbuterol is popular amongst female athletes, because it does not cause voice deepening or stimulate the growth of hair on your face. According to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), clenbuterol is FDA-approved to use in horses, and not in humans. However, other countries may use clenbuterol as a form of treatment for bronchial asthma in people.

Clenbuterol's Side Effects

According to the U.S. DOJ, the FDA does not approve of the use of clenbuterol in humans because of its side effects. These include insomnia, hot flashes, jitteriness, and cardiovascular symptoms, such as increased heart rate. According to steroid.com, the most common side effect is muscle cramping. Although the FDA does not consider clenbuterol to be safe to use as a weight loss drug, it is not illegal in the United States, nor is it on the nation's controlled substances list, according to the U.S. DOJ. In fact, you can easily buy it in the form of pills and liquids online. Still, athletes are banned to use it during the Olympics.


The sale of ephedra is completely banned in the United States, while clenbuterol is sold for horses, but is often abused by athletes. Ephedra is used for weight loss, whereas clenbuterol is used for fat loss and muscle building. According to steroid.com, another difference between the two is that ephedra causes your body to "crash" once it wears off. Clenbuterol, on the other hand, works smoothly as it wears out of your system.

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