At one time or another in her life, nearly every woman wants her hair to grow faster. It might be because a truly bad haircut. It might be because she wants to be part of the new "in" style. Whatever the reason, most women have that desire at one point or another.While many believe it is impossible to make hair grow faster, others disagree and offer ideas to make it happen.
Grow Hair Faster for Women
1. Eat a well balanced diet. Poor diet has been scientifically proven to inhibit hair growth.
2. Strive for good health. Health problems in general can have an impact on hair growth. Certain conditions and diseases are worse than others. To research these, ask questions of your physician or do your own research online or in the library.
3. Avoid products that are believed by many to inhibit hair growth. These include alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
4. Stress, age, health problems and prescription drugs can also slow or stall hair growth. Climate has a hand in growth rates along with lifestyle issues. Not enough sleep, daily water or maintenance nutrients can cause hair to hit a dead stop in its growth cycle.To simplify the hair growth process and promise fast long hair is just not a reality.
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