Friday, May 24, 2013

Eliminate Aphids On Petunias

Aphids, know as plant lice, are tiny plant-eating insects and some of the most destructive plant predators around. They suck juice out of plants and then secrete a mixture referred to as honeydew. Honeydew on plants leads to the world of ants. Aphids multiply quickly, in any growing season there may be as many as forty-seven generations. To avoid the infestation of ants on your petunias, first you must rid them of aphids. There are several methods you can try to control aphid infestations. Experimenting from the simplest to the extreme will help find the solution you need.


1. Use a water hose to blast aphids away. Set the spray high enough to deliver a punch but not so high that it knocks the blooms off your plants. Simulate a good, heavy rainfall.

2. If the hose doesn't keep the infestation at bay, move on to an insecticidal soap spray. Mix one tablespoons of a liquid soap with one quart of water into a spray bottle. Spray your petunias down with this mixture. This should not only kill the pests but also keep them away. Spray as needed if they return.

3. An all-purpose garlic mixture may help repel the bugs. Finely chop ten cloves of garlic and soak them for 24 hours in mineral oil. Strain and put the mixture in a spray bottle and fill it the rest of the way with water. The smell of garlic might keep aphids and other type pests away.

4. If you've tried water blasts, insecticidal soap spray, and garlic but you still have aphids on your petunias, then you need a chemical pesticide such as nicotine Sulphate 40 percent solution. Read the instruction on the bottle for specific application methods and precautions. An occasional application, such as once every couple of weeks, will probably do the job. Ask the clerk at the store how often to apply the product you purchase.

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