Don't let termites ruin your home.
Termites can be a real problem if they have gotten out of hand and the problem usually isn't noticeable until it is out of hand. What do you do, kill them or let them eat your house? Hopefully you chose that first option. Reading this article will help you treat those little wood eaters.
1. Take steps to prevent termites from developing. Sometimes, the best tip to any problem is prior prevention. A termite infestation can be avoided simply by doing a few things which include eliminating the build up of moisture (attics and basements) and/or adding vents to these areas can also help eliminate moisture.
2. Consider soil treatments. The treatment of termites through treating the soil was brought about to avoid the inconvenience of an in home treatment. While sometimes not entirely effective, the treatment of termites through soil is usually done by adding termiticide to the soil around the perimeter of the structure. It is recommended that you use imidacloprid (a product derived from nicotine usually found in Premise) or fipronil (found in termiticides such as Termidor). These particular products generally have a 5 year warranty that covers only the area treated.
3. Consider fumigation of termites. Fumigation is one of the oldest treatments used to treat pest problems, including termites. Your termite professional will generally come inside your home, fumigate it and ask you to not return for about three to five hours or longer depending on the product used. A few downsides to fumigation are that it kills the termites that are living and is not very effective on the eggs or queen, and fumigation does not keep killing for extended periods of time. Fumigation may kill for up to 90 days in most cases which means when those 90 days are up you may have to repeat treatment.
4. Consider direct wood treatments. This method is one of the most effective ways to kill termites. This treatment usually involves applying a number of top products (bait, fume, liquid or foam) directly to your wood. Another way is to use special equipment called an Electogun used to electrocute dry wood termites. If you have a sub terrain termite problem or a termite problem has gotten out of hand, the electrocution technique might not work.
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