Thursday, May 30, 2013

Write On Vehicle Wind shields

Writing on car windshields and any other car windows has long been a way to advertise, send messages, celebrate and let other people know different things about you. The easiest way to make non-permanent marks on car windows is with window or glass markers. You can also use shoe polish, but window or glass markers are easily washed off glass and do not cause permanent markings to your vehicle.


1. Clean your windshield. Writing on a windshield covered in dust or other substances can cause the writing to come off sooner than expected or not be applied properly.

2. Plan what you want to write on the windshield and how big you want the message to be so you can format it evenly, and avoid awkwardly squeezing letters in at the end of your message.

3. Use window or glass markers on your windshield by shaking the marker well then pressing the tip against the glass. Squeeze gently to make the color come out of the marker and into the tip. It is best to go over your writing with the window markers more than once so that it makes a thicker message, is easier to see and will remain on the windshield longer.

4. Use shoe polish by wetting the brush end of the shoe polish bottle with the shoe polish by turning it upside down. Begin writing on your windshield. Again, it is best to go over your message with the shoe polish more than once so that it makes a thicker coat for your message, is easier to see and will remain on the windshield longer.

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