Thursday, June 20, 2013

Natural Treatments For Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol is a highly addictive, depressant drug that too many unfortunately abuse. However, if you have even thought about kicking the bad habit and cutting back on your addiction, you have already make a step in the right direction. The next step is to try and withdraw completely if the addiction is really affecting your life. Here do so naturally.

Loved Ones

If you plan to stop or limit heavy alcohol intake, the first step is to consult loved ones and explain your situation and plan to change. Your friends and family will support your decision and help you improve.


Some individuals might go as far as consulting with doctors and counselors. This decision is at the individual's discretion, and should be based on need. If you feel you cannot kick the habit without professional help, then seek it.

Detox Drops

Detox Drops and other herbal medication are supplements that allow your body to change and adjust to the sudden lack of alcohol (see Resources below).

Liver Repair

Alcohol is extremely hard on the liver. Milk Thistle Extract and Dandelion Root are both great products for improving and repairing your liver (see Resources below).

Avoid Peer Pressure

While it's hard to tell you to stay away from friends that drink, if the peer pressure is too much and the temptation too strong, you will never kick the habit. If you continue to hang out with friends who consume a lot of alcohol, make sure they understand your needs and will not tempt you back into the drug. If they do, ditch them for better friends.

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