Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So How Exactly Does Smoking Result In A Stroke

How Does Smoking Cause a Stroke?

Why is This Important?

If you want to live a long life, it's important to develop certain habits. Exercise, low stress and a lean diet strengthen the human body, especially the heart. However, one of the easiest ways to shorten one's life is through poor habits such as cigarette smoking. Tobacco smoke wrecks havoc on the human body and leads to a medical condition that can kill or debilitate a person. What is it? A stroke.

How Does Smoking Hurt Circulation?

A stroke is the loss of brain functions because of a disturbance in the blood vessels. Individuals who suffer a stroke often end up losing part of their speech and body function through paralysis. Without the free flow of blood, the brain does not function properly as well as other parts of the human body. People who smoke cigarettes double their chances of having a stroke because the substances in tobacco such as nicotine narrow blood vessels. It also reduces the amount of oxygen in the body. This ultimately affects a major blood vessel, the aorta, which brings oxygenated blood into the brain. Restriction in this area ends up causing a stroke.

But I'm Addicted!

Although a stroke will not occur in the early years of smoking, a person who keeps this habit for a long time is the best candidate. It is this person whose blood vessels will shrink dramatically over the years. This statement is true of anyone - even people who do everything else right for his or her health. For this reason, it's important not to smoke.

It's Never Too Late

The good news is that it is never too late to quit. Individuals who quit smoking increase the flow of oxygen into their blood stream and slowly began to reverse the effects of smoking. After about 5 years of being free of cigarettes, a past smoker has the same risk of having a stroke as people who never took one puff. It's a great incentive for anyone who is trying to reclaim his health and live a long life.

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