Alternatives to smoking offer greatly reduced health risks.
The safest alternative to smoking is simply to stop smoking and not replace it with a similar habit. No form of tobacco use -- including chewing or using dry snuff -- is regarded as safe. Ingestion of tobacco in almost every form available has been reported to increase the user's risk of cancer. Some specific alternatives to smoking have been offered, however, which do not involve the use of tobacco, or at least the combustion of tobacco. These are regarded as safer than smoking.
Alternative Smoking Devices
The hookah is a kind of alternative smoking device.
Devices which are designed to look like and, to some extent, behave like cigarettes, but which do not deliver tobacco smoke to the user, have been available for more than 20 years. R.J. Reynolds released the first widely available device of this kind, "Premier," in 1988. Premier contained tobacco which was heated rather than burned, releasing a vapor containing flavor components and nicotine rather than tobacco smoke and its harmful tar. An improved device released by the same company in 1994, "Eclipse," which claimed dramatic reductions in tar delivery to the user. A device which works on similar principles, but has a much longer history, is the hookah pipe. Since these devices deliver nicotine and carbon monoxide, authorities have been hesitant to classify them as safe.
Nicotine Patch
The patch releases nicotine in a controlled way.
The nicotine patch causes a controlled release of nicotine into the bloodstream through the skin. Since the craving for nicotine is believed to be the main cause of the smoking habit, the patch is thought to be a realistic alternative for smokers trying to quit. Studies report that use of the patch as directed has no serious ill effects. Minor problems include skin irritation and nausea during the first period of use. Concern has been expressed, however, about the risk of nicotine overdose to patch users who also continue to smoke.
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine chewing gum works on the same principle as the nicotine patch, mainting the user's nicotine blood levels without exposing him or her to tobacco smoke. Nicotine gum has not only been used as a quitting aid, but also by continuing smokers who are unable to smoke cigarettes for long periods, such as on flights or while working in no-smoking buildings. As with patches, concern has been expressed about the safety of smoking cigarettes in addition to using the gum.
Alternative Behaviors
An exercise session can be a replacement for a cigarette.
Some alternatives to smoking, of course, do not involve either inhaling nicotine-containing vapors or deriving nicotine from sources like patches or gum. Quitting smokers often develop a taste for salty or sugary snacks, excessive consumption of which can carry its own risks of obesity and dental decay. Healthier alternatives which have been recommended include moderate exercise, meditation, or simply taking a moment to chat with friends.
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