Blood circulates oxygen and nutrients needed by the body and removes the metabolic waste through the lungs and kidneys. The toxins in food, water and air that we consume everyday mix with the blood hindering its normal function. Other than fasting to detoxify your system, eating certain foods naturally purifies blood, aiding in better health.
1. Warm a glass of water and mix 1 tbsp. of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Include foods that are rich in chlorophyll such as green leafy vegetables, barley, carrots and wheatgrass. Chlorophyll removes impurities such as parasites, tissues and wastes from the blood. It also acts as a natural antidepressant.
3. Peel the skin of pomegranate fruit, dry it and powder it. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with warm water and drink it in the morning. This not only purifies blood but also kills intestinal worms.
4. Chop 3 pods of garlic finely and swallow them with a glass of water everyday. Garlic reduces toxins, rejuvenates blood and increases the growth of healthy bacteria in our intestines. Garlic also reduces cholesterol.
5. Sprinkle black pepper generously on your food. It aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acids.
6. Drink fruit and vegetable juices everyday. Juices made from celery and parsley act as an internal cleanser. Carrots, beet, apple and lemon juices cleanse the intestines and kidneys.
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