Remove Difficult Teeth Stains and Have a Beautiful White Smile
Having stains on your teeth can be quite unattractive. Everyone wants that million dollar, winning smile. Nicotine stains, coffee stains, red wine stains and certain foods stains can be removed. It will take sacrifice and some adjusting to help keep these stains off as well. There's numerous different and effective ways to prevent along with remove stains from your teeth.
1. Avoid the foods, the drinks, and smoking that cause stains. I know it may not be the popular choice. Okay, I realize some of these you can't quit altogether. Although smoking you should, if you have nicotine stains. Don't drink red wine all the time, maybe cut back on it. Drinks like grape juice cause stained teeth as well. Limit these substances, foods, and drinks that cause the stains. Chocolate and tea can cause stains as well. I had this problem, because I love red wine and drink a lot of tea. But tea stains aren't that difficult. It's the red wine that is.
2. Using the right tooth paste. Use age defying toothpaste! It has baking soda in it. Baking soda is great when it comes to removing stains and whitening your smile. It will help rebuild your enamel. Removes stains and plague buildup on teeth. Highly recommended. Definitely try this tooth paste. It might be all you need. I've tried so many different tooth pastes, to have that extremely white smile. This is the best I've found so far.
3. Brush after you eat. It's very important to brush your teeth after you eat, that way it helps avoid tartar build, or plague on teeth. Remember to floss as well and brush at least three times a day if you have stain teeth. You should brush that many times anyways. For now, you should make more of commitment on taking care of your teeth. Use wash mouth. A whiten brand as well. Mouth wash can help some.
4. Use Crest whitestrips. I believe you leave them on for 30 minutes, twice a day. I've not used them personally yet(haven't needed them), but I've had those around me use them and have a lot of success with them. Even a dentist recommended this to a guy I know.
5. Dental bleaching. If all else fails, then go to the dentist. I know, it's not fun and is likely to be everyone's last alternative. But hey, they are professionals and this is probably the best bet, not always the cheapest if your insurance doesn't cover.
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