Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beat Alcohol Dependency

I definitely believe alcoholism is a disease, but a completely preventable one. I had a problem with alcohol after a breakup. My social calendar went from hero to zero, and on top of that, I was depressed. I drank because I was bored and it was fun. Soon, I began to depend on it to work, put me to sleep, and just get through the day. I had to come out of it -- it was killing my body and my relationships. Here's what I did.


1. ACTIVITY. I had to get out of the house. Part of the reason I drank to excess is because I was sitting at home, bored, with nothing to do. So if there was a 12 pack, I'd drink the whole thing. Get out of the house. All you have to do is go to your local craigslist, and look under "events." There's more there than you could ever do. It doesn't matter if you don't have the best time; you're there to get your motor running again. Soon you won't have enough time to drink because your social calendar will be full again of activities in which drinking is not proper. The implicit social constructs will keep you honest.

2. EAT. Another reason I drank like a sailor was that it was the only thing in the fridge. When I got lazy after my breakup, I didn't want to cook anything. Alcohol was quick, it was tasty, and it was filling. So until you get back on your feet, get some quick, good, HEALTHY stuff to eat. (Not a bunch of Ramen noodles.) Fruits and oatmeal cookies are good. Also, have a lot of fruit juices around. When you feel a craving, drink fruit juice instead. Many alcohols come from these products and will wean you off of it like a nicotine patch. True story!

3. FAMILY. I know you don't want to hear this, but people love you. If you can't trust the people you love when you're feeling down and depressed, when can you trust them? It will be your turn to be strong for them soon enough, so let them hold you up for now. Give and take. It's ok to take some right now when you need it. Just make sure to pay it forward when it's your turn to give.

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