Coffee and Cigarettes
To get rid of pestering cigarette smoke from your house you need to clean the space thoroughly. If someone just came in and had one cigarette, you can only spray some air freshener to remove the odor, but for homes that are saturated with the smell, common air fresheners don't do the trick. Such spaces require extensive cleaning to eliminate the smell.
1. Wash and sanitize all fabric surfaces. Take down the curtains, bedspreads and even the shower curtain, and wash all of them. Take the covers off chairs and sofas, and wash them if you can. If you can't remove the covers, use a carpet cleaner with a hose attachment and clean as much surface as you can. Don't forget to also clean the pillows.
2. Wipe down the windows. Cigarette smoke leaves a film even on nonporous surfaces. This would also be a good time to wipe down the blinds with a cleaner. Tar from cigarettes yellows and discolors blinds.
3. Wash all the walls with a cleaner. If the problem persists, repaint the walls. Apply a primer first and then select a paint with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds). They are better for you and the environment.
4. Clean the floors. Sweep and mop all hard floor surfaces. Vacuum and clean all carpets. If you don't have a carpet cleaner, spread a little baking soda on the floor and let it set for about 30 minutes, then vacuum. Baking soda is a good carpet deodorizer.
5. Wash toys, throw blankets and wipe down all countertops and cabinets. Don't forget to clean fan blades and other light fixtures.
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