Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spray Organic Fruit Trees

Natural derivatives are used for organic fruit trees.

It is a common misconception that pesticides and fungicides cannot be sprayed on organic fruit trees. Provided the chemicals are derived from mineral-bearing or botanical sources, chemicals can be used in an organic operation. Yet, some fruit tree growers would prefer to use purely organic methods of spraying their trees.


1. Mix together equal parts of sulfur and lime in a pot. Add an equal amount of water and bring to a boil. Spray this mixture on trees as a dormant spray during the winter months.

2. Mix 1 cup sulfur with 1 quart water and spray onto fruit trees to control powdery mildew and fruit rot as well as control some insects.

3. Spray fruit trees with apple cider vinegar to help control scab and other forms of mildew.

4. Spray compost tea on trees to prevent blight and to inhibit pathogens that could damage the tree.

5. Mix nicotine sulfate with water according to label instructions. Spray on fruit trees as directed to control insect damage to trees.

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