Save money by avoiding unecessary electronic cigarette purchases by refilling them on your own.
Electronic cigarettes provide users with a smokeless alternative to traditional cigarettes that consist of tobacco and an assortment of chemicals shown to cause damage to your health. These types of cigarettes utilize a liquid form of tobacco, which is then heated up and evaporated for inhalation of the vapors that are created. Refill your electronic cigarette yourself instead of purchasing a completely new device when the nicotine content has become completely used up after extended use.
1. Separate the electronic cigarette's cart from its atomizer by unscrewing it from the base of the device, prying the cap off with a fork. Remove the contents from within pair of tweezers and discard of the old filter remains by disposing them into the trash.
2. Peel away half of the fluval tubing so that it is half the length it originally was. Since this tubing consists of material twice the needed thickness, peeling away this portion will provide a perfect fit for insertion into the smoking device.
3. Cut away at the fluval tubing to make a four-sided piece that matches the length of your electronic cigarette. Place the sliced tubing material into the tweezers lengthwise to verify that you have acquired the appropriate length.
4. Insert the fluval tubing into the original cigarette cart by slowly working it into place with the pair of tweezers. Remove any material that remains from the end of the cart with the pair of scissors, leaving enough for it to completely fill the cart entirely.
5. Refill the electronic cigarette by placing no more than four drops of nicotine fluid into the cart, and then screw the bottom piece back into place. Your smoking device is now ready to be used again.
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