Bio Spot and Vectra 3D market products for "flea and tick control" with several species and age specific formulations labeled as safe for dogs, cats, puppies or kittens. These are the alleged "spot-on" applications---applied literally in one spot, usually on your dog or cat's back between the shoulder blades---and said to be effective for about one month. How do they compare, one to the other?
Manufacturer's Claims
Bio Spot on its website claims its product for dogs differs from other flea and tick insecticides in that "Bio Spot Spot On Flea & Tick Control for Dogs contains both an insecticide to kill and repel adult fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes... AND a long lasting insect growth regulator (IGR) to prevent flea eggs from developing into biting adults."
Compare this to Vectra 3D, which claims it is "important to use a fast-acting vectoricide like Vectra 3D. It kills and repels vectors. Because it kills through contact, parasites don't even have to bite to die." Further "killing adult fleas in two hours." And it "prevents the development of all immature flea stages: eggs, larvae and pupae."
Information from the Bio Spot Spot-On box for dogs says its active ingredients are Permethrin and (S)-Methoprene. Label information was not available on the Summit VetPharm website, but active ingredient "Dinotefuran" was discussed with the following: "Dinotefuran is a quick-kill insecticide ...a third generation neonicotinoid... synthesized with acetycholine as the lead compound, making it different from other flea control products currently in use which are based on nicotine."
Bio Spot and Vectra 3D claim their products are safe; however there are serious differences of opinion from pet owners and experts concerning those claims. leads with this startling headline on its homepage: "Farnam's Bio Spot Flea & Tick Almost Killed Our Dog." Their message board contains firsthand accounts of frequently disturbing experiences involving the use of Bio Spot and other pesticides formulated for pets.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) agrees with claims against these products. An NRDC article "Poisons on Pets" Executive Summary) sums up the position: "Each year, Americans purchase and apply ... a vast array of toxic chemicals intended to kill fleas and ticks. These products are designed to poison insects, and they usually do just tha. t...they can also poison pets and the people who handle them."
Pet owners are ultimately responsible for the health of their pets, and therefore owe it to them to read available information before using any pesticide or other product containing potentially harmful ingredients. The National Pesticide Information Center maintains a searchable database that you can use to stay informed.
If you have purchased a product for which you would like further information, you may contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) directly at You will need the EPA registration number from the package.
Alternative Solutions
If you are not satisfied with the manufacturer's claims for safety or effectiveness, natural remedies abound. Search "natural alternatives for flea and tick control" to return a wide variety of possible solutions.
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