Prevent Receding Gums
Nobody likes to hear it, but dental health is extremely important to both your physical well-being as well as your emotional. No one wants to walk around with yellow, decaying teeth and red, irritated gums. With just a few simple steps a day, you can prevent receding gums and gum disease. Sure, it'll take a little time, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Your gums, teeth and dentist will thank you.
1. Get rid of plaque buildup. Plaque is the cause of most tooth and gum disease. Buy some disclosing tablets. These can be found in most pharmacies and will dye any food debris or plaque in your mouth a temporary red color. Brush your teeth until the red stain is gone.
2. Pay attention to how you're brushing when you brush the red stain away. This is how you should be brushing all the time to prevent plaque buildup.
3. Floss your teeth twice a day. Floss in front of the mirror so you know you're doing it correctly. Slide the floss between each tooth and make sure you floss the front, back and sides thoroughly.
4. Use a soft-bristled brush to brush your teeth and brush your gums gently to prevent them from receding.
5. See your dentist every six to 12 months.
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