Healing When You Quit Smoking
When a smoker decides to stop smoking, he takes a huge step in healing the damage that he's done through smoking. Through the quitting process, he'll feel pride in what he's doing, excitement in knowing his body will soon be smoke-free and anxiety in not knowing what is yet to come. He'll experience some withdrawal symptoms, but the positives, as far as what happens in his body, far outweigh any negativity that may come through cravings. The smoker needs to remember that healing takes time because the immune system needs to kick in to heal the damage that has been done.
First Week
During the first week after stopping smoking, several positive actions take place in the body. Blood pressure immediately decreases and the pulse rate begins to normalize. Within eight hours after the last cigarette, the carbon dioxide levels begin to level out. At about the same time, oxygen levels increase. Two days after the last cigarette, the risk of a heart attack begins to lower and the sense of taste and ability to smell aromas increase. Within four days, the bronchial tubes relax and lung capacity increases, making the breathing process easier.
Second Stage
After two weeks of not smoking, the nicotine has completely passed from the body. As a part of the healing, the blood begins to flow better, and the lungs increase their functioning 30 percent. Toward the end of the first year, there is less sinus congestion and less coughing.
Last Phase
After the first year, the risk of heart disease is half of what it would have been had the smoker never stopped smoking. After five years, the risk of stroke is reduced. After these initial five years, and from this point on, the risk of stroke is the same as it is for a non-smoker. After 10 years, the risk of dying from lung cancer is half of what it would have been had the smoker never stopped smoking. The risk of cancers of the throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas also decrease. After 15 years of being smoke-free, the smoker (now non-smoker) has the same risk of a heart attack as a person who never smoked.
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