More than half of American men have gum disease.
If your once bright smile is overshadowed by bright red gums, you may have the early stages of gingivitis. Take action before you develop periodontitis, a difficult to treat form of gum disease resulting in bone loss. Gingivitis can be caused by poor oral hygiene, a lack of nutrients, a high sugar diet, or smoking. See a dentist regularly for cleanings and make lifestyle changes to eradicate unhealthy red gums for good.
1. Call the dentist and make an appointment for an evaluation and cleaning. She can diagnose your problem and recommend treatment options. Ask her to review proper dental hygiene techniques for daily brushing and flossing.
2. Mix ½ tsp. sea salt with 1 cup of water. Use the solution as a rinse after brushing. Alternatively, you may use the mixture in an oral irrigator. Avoid using mouthwashes containing chemicals, as you may kill the good bacteria in your mouth along with the bad.
3. Put about 1 tsp. of organic coconut or sesame seed oil into your mouth. Swish the oil around for about 10 minutes, then spit it out. The oil helps pull out toxins and embedded debris from your gums.
4. Supplement with 400 mgs vitamin C once a day. Take 50 mg coenzyme Q10 tablets with food twice a day.
5. Eat iron-rich foods, such as eggs, tuna and liver. Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are also sources of iron, although they are harder for the body to absorb.
6. Seek counseling to fight a smoking addiction. Alternatively, try over-the-counter remedies such as nicotine gum or a nicotine patch.
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