Monday, May 6, 2013

Eliminate Cigarette Odor

Get Rid of Cigarette Odor

Getting rid of cigarette smoke and the odors that are left behind in homes or vehicles can be easy but is also time consuming. Many commercial products such as sprays and room deodorizers only mask the problem of cigarette odor which can be very offensive to some people. The smoke from cigarettes also will leave a film on objects that continues to create an odor for an undetermined amount of time. It is best to do a good cleaning to remove all odors for good. Read these instructions and learn get rid of cigarette odor from all areas of the home or car.


1. Launder everything that is possible to launder. Blankets, sheets, curtains, pillows and anything else that is in a room that has picked up the cigarette odor should be washed. Bring area rugs outdoors to air out.

2. Open the windows and air out the room, the entire home or vehicle. Open as many windows as possible and let the fresh air flow through the entire area. Leave them opened as long as possible.

3. Sprinkle borax or baking soda on the rugs and furniture. Let this sit for a few hours to soak up the cigarette odors. Vacuum each area thoroughly. This can also be done in a car.

4. Place lemon peels in a bowl and place around a room that has a cigarette odor. Leave overnight to absorb odors and then discard.

5. Using window cleaner, wash all windows, television screens and any glass doors around the home. Remember to do all of the light bulbs and light fixtures. Usually the cleaning cloth will show the cigarette residue that has been left behind.

6. Clean all of the wood furniture with wood cleaner. Follow this by polishing the furniture. Again, the cloth will show the residue that was removed.

7. Place pieces of charcoal in a bowl and place around the area in inconspicuous places. Charcoal is very good for removing odors.

8. Change the filter on the air conditioning and heating systems frequently. Filters get clogged easily with cigarette residue and odors.

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