Monday, June 3, 2013

Remove Nicotine Smoke From Furniture

Use common household products to remove nicotine smoke smell from furniture.

Nicotine smoke smell is a strong odor that often lingers on furniture long after the cigarette has been put out. Whether you used to smoke and gave it up or got used furniture from someone who smokes, the nicotine odor is often overbearing and can make the entire room smell. Try some inexpensive and quick methods to freshen up the furniture and get rid of the nicotine smoke smell for good.


1. Sprinkle baking soda onto the furniture. Make sure the furniture is thoroughly covered in a generous coating of baking soda.

2. Let the baking soda sit on the furniture for at least a few hours, or overnight. Vacuum up the powder with the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner.

3. Fill an empty spray bottle with distilled white vinegar if the odor remains. Spray down the furniture thoroughly with the vinegar.

4. Wipe the furniture with a clean, dry rag. Let the vinegar dry onto the upholstery.

5. Spray an odor-eliminating spray onto the furniture to further remove any of the lingering nicotine smoke odors.

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