Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Doityourself Clean Furnace Ductwork From Tobacco Smoke

Smoking inside your home traps smoke residue, moving it through your furnace ducts, trapping the odor inside them. If you clean your ducts regularly and change or clean your filters, you can minimize the smoky smell. If you have several smokers in your home, the smoke odor can move through your heating system even if your resident smokers only light up outside. The molecules from cigarette smoke stick to dust and other debris on heating vents, distributing the stale smoke odor throughout your home. Cleaning your duct work and your filters helps reduce the cigarette smoke odor in your home.


1. Vacuum the register grates and the return air grate using your vacuum cleaner's attachments. Vacuum along the edges and upward into the grate to make sure you remove any dust caught in the cracks between the louvers.

2. Remove all of the grates with a screwdriver. If they are still dirty after the vacuuming, wash the grates with mild soap and warm water.

3. Look inside the ducts with a flashlight. Check for debris and see if there is much dirt on the inside of the ducts.

4. Spray a paper towel with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Wipe down all sides of the open ducts as far as you can reach. Continue until the paper towels are clean after wiping the ducts, then replace the grates.

5. Change or clean the air filter. If it is not disposable, wash the filter with mild soap and warm water. Rinse the filter well before replacing it. If the filter is disposable, replace it with a fresh filter every quarter.

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