Monday, December 9, 2013

Count Carbohydrates To Handle Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Count Carbohydrates to Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The main symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is an all consuming feeling of exhaustion. If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, you may be worsening the condition by continuing to eat high carb foods. Reducing your carb intake along with following your doctor's advice can help treat this disorder.


1. Know that foods high in carbohydrates have the ability to reduce your energy. Since carbs take more energy to digest, you are actually going to feel an overall reduction in your energy level.

2. Try a low carb diet to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people have found success by attempting to follow a low carb diet. Popular options include the South Beach Diet and the Atkin's Diet.

3. Find foods that have a low glycemic index instead. Fruits and vegetables have a much lower glycemic index than carb heavy foods like pasta and white bread. A low glycemic index can improve your chronic fatigue syndrome.

4. Eat more protein. Protein is a viable source of energy for a sufferer of chronic fatigue syndrome. Order sandwiches without the bun and eat only the meat instead.

5. Add in only a small amount of carbs. Good carbs like brown rice and whole grains can eventually be added in once you begin to feel less tired.

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