Smoking can dry out and darken lips.
Smoking can take its toll not only on your overall health, but on your skin as well, causing wrinkles, yellowing and premature aging. Smoking can also darken lips from the nicotine and smoke you blow out with every puff. If your lips have become darker as a result of smoking, lightening them is one way to reverse this negative effect of cigarettes.
1. Rinse your lips with cool water and a small amount of facial cleanser. Combine in a small bowl 1 teaspoon pure honey and the juice from ¼ of a lemon. Stir with a small spoon or your index finger and apply the mixture to your lips. Repeat daily each morning.
2. Use a lip balm with vitamin E throughout the day to keep your lips moisturized. If you continue to smoke, apply after smoking to help combat dryness smoking can cause.
3. Mix 1 teaspoon almond oil with 1 teaspoon brown sugar, and exfoliate clean lips with the mixture nightly to remove dead skin that can build up and contribute to dark lips. Rinse off the mixture with cool water. After waiting five minutes, apply petroleum jelly to lips prior to going to sleep.
4. Avoid using lipsticks or glosses on your lips, as these can lead to lip darkening. Save lip makeup for special occasions, and stick to using lip balm on a daily basis. When you do wear makeup, always remove it at night before sleep.
5. Drink 8 to 10 cups of water a day to promote moisturized lips and help replenish coloring.
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