Cigars contain large concentrations of nicotine.
Cigar smoking in the U.S has nearly doubled since 1993, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The danger of cigarette smoking is well known but cigars can contain as much, or more, nicotine and be just as harmful.
Expert Insight
Cigars differ in size and in the type of tobacco contained. The National Cancer Institute reports that cigars can contain up to 20 grams of tobacco and therefore higher levels of nicotine. Furthermore, the Institute states that one cigar can supply as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Cigars can also vary in the length of time they take to smoke with some of the larger cigars taking up to two hours to finish.
Due to the high levels of nicotine, cigars are addictive. Smokers inhale the nicotine into the lungs, absorb it through the lining of the mouth and directly expose the lips, mouth, tongue and larynx to the chemicals contained in the cigar.
Although cigar smokers do not inhale, the high levels of nicotine mean they are still likely to become addicted and be at greater risk of various types of cancers, heart and lung diseases.
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