Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Get People To Quit Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit that can be very harmful to the person who is smoking. There are countless harmful effects that smoking can bring on. If you know somebody who is a smoker and you would like to help them quit smoking, then there are a few things that you can do. Nicotine is an addicting drug. Just like all addicting drugs, it can be very hard to quit. In a few steps, you can try to help your friend or loved one quit smoking.


1. Discuss the harmful effects that smoking has on their body. Let them know that you care and do not want these things to happen to them.

2. Sympathize with your loved one, and tell them that you will help in any way you can. People tend to get very defensive when you talk with them about smoking. Make sure to be understanding if they get a little bit upset with you.

3. Create a stop smoking kit for them. In this kit you can put gum, nicotine patches or maybe a book or movie that they can distract themselves with when they get a cravig. Keeping the person busy is a key element to helping them stop smoking. The less time they have to think about having a cigarette, the less they they will crave them.

4. Take them out for a small trip. Go camping, fishing, hiking, whatever they enjoy doing. As stated above, if you keep their mind and hands busy, it will give them less time to think about having a cigarette.

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