Coping with chemical addiction can be extremely difficult if not appropriately treated. The choices for traditional treatment are wide and varied, and have a tendency to have negative side effects. Alternative medicine for treating chemical dependency is becoming more popular as individuals coping with addiction struggle to find other ways to treat their drug and alcohol use.
Alternative medicine to treat chemical addiction
Alternative medicine to treat addiction is gaining in popularity as more people are diagnosed with chemical dependency. Traditional medicine is available but the negative side effects make staying clean and sober more difficult for the recovering individual. Alternative treatment has been around for many years and only in the past few years has it caught the attention of practitioners and insurance companies.
One modality of alternative treatment is acupuncture. The body consists of pressure points that release natural chemicals when small needles are placed in certain areas.
One area that practitioners like to use to treat addiction are the ear lobes. When treatment is given in certain parts of the ear, it promotes a sense of calmness and decreases cravings and any withdrawal symptoms.
Nutritional therapy has also gained in popularity as well. Most addicted individuals are malnourished and have poor diets. Foods that are balanced and high in vitamins E and C help to promote the growth of new tissue. Other recommenced foods are grains, fresh vegetable and fresh fruit.
Supplements play a large part of alternative medicine, especially antioxidants such as Beta-Carotine, vitamin E and C, zinc and selenium. These supplements help to rid the body of the overload of free radicals that tend to build up in individuals with a history of chemical dependency.
People struggling with addiction should never treat themselves without the advisement of their physician or alternative medicine practitioner.
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