Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. Aromatherapy and essential oils can change moods, however, and provide a positive influence when you're trying to stop smoking. There are aromatherapy combinations that can induce a feeling of calm, and help relieve some of the effects of nicotine addiction. When the next craving for a cigarette hits, try the following essential oil recipes.
Reduce the Effects of Nicotine
To reduce the effects of nicotine, try blending essential oils of lavender, marjoram, palmarosa, frankincense, cedarwood, vetiver and geranium. Put 10 drops of each essential oil in an equal part of jojoba oil. This can be diffused throughout a home using a simmering pot, or put some of this blend on a handkerchief, and inhale the aroma when a cigarette craving strikes.
Other Options
Keep individual essential oils such as peppermint, cinnamon or nutmeg handy in small bottles around your home and office, and inhale the aromas when you're tempted to light up.
Pine essential oil mixed with thyme and ylang-ylang essential oils also can curb cravings. Mix 10 drops of each of these oils with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil, and inhale deeply.
Black Pepper
Another aromatherapy option for smoking cessation is black pepper oil. This is a single note oil, and it is quite strong. Try a few drops on a tissue or cotton ball, and inhale as needed.
Relaxing Blend
A relaxing blend of essential oils will ease the stress of quitting smoking for most people. Combine five drops of rosemary, five drops of lemon, three drops of peppermint, three drops of ylang-ylang and one drop of camphor. Diffuse these oils in a simmering pot.
Try alternating these oil mixtures from day to day. Some essential oils probably will work better for you than others. Experiment to find the best mixture for your needs.
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