Electronic cigarettes mimic real counterparts.
E-Health cigarettes --- or electronic cigarettes --- provide a stimulatory sensation of nicotine and tobacco smoking without the harmful effects. Using E-Health cigarettes incorporates the use of an electronic cartridge and atomizer. Electronic cigarettes vaporize the small dose of nicotine provided by the device before it reaches the user's mouth and lungs. The aroma, feel and look of the E-Health cigarette can help smokers reduce and eliminate their addiction.
1. Insert the lithium cigarette battery into the provided charger. Twist the battery in a clockwise motion for complete insertion. Plug the charger into an outlet.
2. Observe the indicator lights on the charger. Notice that the flashing red lights indicate the charger is actively charging the battery. Unplug the charger and remove the battery when the blue light flashes. The blue light indicates charging is finished. Allow several hours for a full charge.
3. Insert the battery into the atomizer portion of the E-Health cigarette. Detach the tip covering from the atomizer.
4. Pick up an E-Health cigarette cartridge. Snap the atomizer and cartridge together. Inhale normally on the filter of the assembled electronic cigarette. Notice the tip of the cigarette turn red when inhaling to ensure the device is functioning. The E-cigarette tip will repeatedly flash if you inhale in excess --- more the 16 times in a 60-second period, for example.
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