Monday, January 13, 2014

Know If Somebody Is Mistreating Nicotine

According to, Nicotine is addictive; nine out of ten of smokers say they wish to stop but cannot. Nicotine is found in cigarettes, chewing tobacco and snuff. The most common form of nicotine are cigarettes. Abuse often results in withdrawal when the body's nicotine levels drop below a certain point. Symptoms include irritability, anxiety, lack of concentration and insomnia. Tobacco products contain many harmful substances, such as carbon monoxide and tar that cause lung and heart diseases. They are responsible for a third of all cancer deaths in the UK. Recognizing signs in nicotine abuse in yourself is a good step in avoiding serious health concerns in the future.


1. Look for stained fingers and teeth. Tobacco products stain and discolor teeth and skin over time, states the American Dental Association. Noticing a brownish tint along the gumline can indicate an overuse of smoking or chewing. Look for skin stains that result from holding a cigarette for long periods of time, where skin develops a yellowish-brown hue from excessive exposure to tobacco. Recognize bad breath as a potential sign of abuse, as cigarette smoke is strong and hard to disguise.

2. notice withdrawal symptoms when you are not actively smoking. As your nicotine levels fall, your feelings of irritability, anxiety and unease rise, as nicotine abuse leads to withdrawal when smoking is not allowed or available. snappy or tense until you can smoke again.

3. You find yourself leaving a good time to feed your addiction. Your nicotine addiction urges you to get up in the middle of dinner, a movie, or leave a ssmoke a cigarette. You find yourself waking up in the middle of the night to smoke, as your body adjusts to waking when your nicotine levels drop. You begin to avoid situations that you know smoking or chewing will not be acceptable or accessible.

4. Notice a dullness of appetite and senses. Over time, nicotine abuse leads to to increased smoking or chewing, and begins to affect your health. Increased exposure of harsh chemicals to sensitive sinus tissues overwhelms the taste buds, impacting the enjoyment of cooking, eating and various scents, according to

5. You can tell you're abusing nicotine when you wish to quit smoking or chewing, but you can't. Those who abuse nicotine often want to quit, but are overwhelmed and too addicted to stop on their own, even when their health is impacted, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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