Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fresh paint Smokestained Walls

Make smoke-damaged walls look like new with the right paint.

Smoke-damaged walls are unsightly and contain an odor that seems to linger forever. Minor smoke damage can be cleaned, but extensive damage needs to be cleaned and painted. The proper primer is key to making damaged walls seem like new.


1. Clean walls thoroughly, using 1 tbsp. trisodium phosphate in 1 gallon of water. Trisodium phosphate is a strong cleaner used for tough cleaning jobs like soot and smoke residue. Wear gloves, and work in a well-ventilated area.

2. Patch any cracks or holes, using a molding compound. Allow it to dry, and sand lightly. Wipe up any sanding dust.

3. Move your furniture to the center of the room. Cover the furniture with a drop cloth. Use painter's tape around the edges of doorways, windows and any other areas where you don't want paint to leak.

4. Paint the walls with a primer that is either a shellac or oil-based. The primer will seal in the smoke smell and keep it from going into the room.

5. Paint with your chosen paint color once the primer is dry. This takes about 24 hours.

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