Monday, March 31, 2014

Homemade Bug Elimination

Homemade Bug Control

In choosing homemade bug control methods, you can still choose from toxic and non-toxic means. If using your homemade pest control product on food plants, including vegetables and herbs, consider using non-toxic means only. If not, you must be sure to thoroughly wash any food before consuming it. There are numerous means for bug control. Try more than one to see which works best for your particular pest problem.

Non-Toxic Homemade Bug Control

One problem with any bug control method is it may drive away or kill beneficial insects as well as damaging pests. However, if the pests are ruining your garden, you may have little choice but to get rid of them by whatever means works.

Among non-toxic means, you can use a simple spray of water mixed with liquid soap. Do not use detergents, as those are too harsh. Instead, use something like Ivory dishwashing soap (the sort used for handwashing dishes) or even a soft-soap hand wash. Mix a few drops of soap into a quart of water. You can even add a tablespoon of canola oil to help smother the insects. Spray this onto your plants, getting both the top and bottom sides of the leaves. Remember, more insects will be hiding on the underside than the top. Because soap can potentially harm plants, rinse the plants a few hours after the treatment.

Other variations on the soap-water mix include using cayenne pepper or hot pepper sauce in lieu of the oil. Let this mixture stand overnight before using. Give it a good stir or shake, then spray it on your plants. It is particularly effective against mites.

Toxic Homemade Bug Control

For creating a toxic pest controlling agent, the simplest method is to use nicotine. You can buy commercial products with nicotine, often combined with sulfur for pest control. You can also make your own, basic nicotine bug spray with just water and tobacco. For the tobacco, you can even use old cigarette butts.

Simply soak the cigarette butts, or other tobacco source, in water. Let it stand for a couple of days, then remove the cigarette butts (or tobacco) and spray the water on your plants. Remember that this will be a concentrated source of nicotine and therefore poisonous to insects and humans alike. For this reason, the use of nicotine is not recommended for plants you intend to eat. The nicotine attacks the neuromuscular system, causing insects to convulse and die.

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