Friday, March 28, 2014

Get Girlfriend To Prevent Smoking

Convincing your girlfriend to stop smoking is not an easy task by any means. It is hard stand by while a loved one does something that harms her. Before attempting to intervene, research the damaging effects of nicotine as much as possible. Learn about the powerful pull of your girlfriend's nicotine addiction and the obstacles that she will face when trying to quit.


1. Choose a non-stressful time to talk to her about cigarettes. Sit her down and explain in a non-confrontational way that you are worried about her health and well-being. Avoid any judgmental statements such as "If you'd just set your mind to it"; let her know that you understand it is very hard to quit and that you are there to support her.

2. Show her your research. Many people know that cigarette use is tied to cancer and heart disease, but studies have also shown that it causes wrinkles and premature aging. Other consequences include poorer overall health; the toxins in cigarettes wreck havoc in your body to the point where it is harder to fight off sickness and infection. As a smoker, your girlfriend is also at risk for developing blood clots if she takes any form of a birth control pill.

3. Help her create a quit plan. Explain to her that you did the research about get a girlfriend to stop smoking because you love her and want to assist in any way that you can. Come prepared with aids that reduce cravings, such as nicotine gum or patches. She is more likely to agree to try these aids if you provide them for her immediate use.

4. Continue to be there to support her through the process. Plan dates to restaurants and other venues that are smoke-free. Enjoy physical activities together such as hiking or sports to keep her mind off of cigarettes. The more she changes her routine, the better chance she has of not falling into old habits. When trying to get your girlfriend to stop smoking, tell her that she can call you whenever she feels she is about to give in and you will talk her through it; just be ready to patiently deal with moodiness and downright crabbiness when she is going through the worst of it.

5. Prepare for the hard truth that she may attempt to quit many times and fail before succeeding in breaking away from her addiction. Encourage her to try again if she slips up, but do not blame yourself if she chooses to give up. According to Alex Lickerman, M.D., only two out of one hundred people are able to quit long-term. This does not mean that you should give up on researching and trying new ways to get your girlfriend to stop smoking; after all, with your support she could beat the odds.

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