Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Make Use Of The Scientific Approach To Design A Test

You want to perform an experiment but aren't sure follow the scientific method. It's not as hard as you might think. Create a hypothesis, think of measurable ways to test the hypothesis, test it and then formulate a conclusion. While there is no right way to test a hypothesis, there are a few things to keep in mind when using the scientific method to design an experiment.


1. Formulate a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess that attempts to explain the relationship between the natural phenomena that you have observed, are curious about and wish to explain through experimentation. A hypothesis attempts to explain the cause and effect relationship between two elements.

2. Develop a list of steps that answer the questions posed by your hypothesis. This list of steps is called the experimental design or the scientific process of an experiment. Experiments are often done many times to ensure the data gathered is trustworthy. Your list of steps must be concise and clear enough to be replicated by other scientists.

3. Include a control variable in your experimental design. A control variable does not receive the treatment other variables do during the experiment. It is exposed to all of the same environmental elements as the treatment groups but it does not receive a treatment. For example, if your hypothesis is "If nicotine causes cancer in humans, then smokers have a higher probability of developing cancer," the controlled variable is "non-smokers."

4. Record and keep track of all data used and observed in the design and experimental stages of the scientific process. In order for an experiment to be valid, it must be replicable in any environment and in any time period.

5. Draw conclusions from the results as the final step in the scientific method. Your conclusions need to be based on measurable data that you gather throughout the process of experimentation. Design your experiment so the results are measurable and quantifiable so your work through the steps of the scientific method are easier to quantify.

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