Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Detox From Caffeine

Caffeine is a common addictive substance in the average diet. Over time, the body becomes dependent on caffeine. Headaches, irritability, drowsiness, and even mild depression can accompany caffeine withdrawal. A detoxification regimen can purge the body of caffeine more quickly, shortening withdrawal symptoms and ending negative side effects.


1. Reduce your caffeine usage gradually over the course of a week. Cut out supplemental caffeine sources, such as chocolate, during this period. Reduce coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soda to the point where you only consume them once a day.

2. Stop caffeine intake altogether, following the reduction. Avoid all substances containing caffeine. Be cautious in choosing herbal teas to avoid caffeine. Some herbal products contain caffeine.

3. Drink plenty of water. Consume at least 8 full glasses of purified or spring water daily. Proper hydration is important to flushing your body of toxins and caffeine buildup.

4. Eat an alkaline diet, during the detox from caffeine. Decrease acidic foods, refined flour, and sugars. Avoid baked goods, nuts, or seeds. Increase your consumption of greens, fruits, whole vegetables, sprouts and soy bean products, such as tofu.

5. Eat 3 to 6 servings of whole-grain foods every day during your detox from caffeine.Consuming whole-grain products high in dietary fiber is essential to the detoxification process. They naturally encourage the body to purge toxins.

6. Take 500mg of Vitamin C twice daily. Take zinc and B-complex supplements once daily. Take a full multivitamin in addition to the Vitamin C regimen.

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