Thursday, April 25, 2013

Use Tobacco Juice To Manage Pest Within The Garden

Tobacco juice is a fairly effective natural pesticide for pests on most common house plants (aside from plants in the Solanaceae family, which are related to tobacco). Easy and cheap to make, a little tobacco juice on your plants will keep them free of gnats and other pests. Outlined below are the steps to making this natural pest control.


1. Fill a disposable plastic cup with 2 to 3 cups of water and 4 to 5 cigarettes. Allow the cigarettes to soak over night.

2. Remove the cigarettes, transfer the tobacco-infused water to a sauce pan, and boil the solution for five minutes.

3. Allow the tobacco solution to cool and transfer to a plastic spray bottle. Add 1 tbs. of laundry detergent to the mixture.

4. Spray the juice on your plants 3 to 4 times a week, creating more solution as needed.

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