Smoking pipes are for more than just smoking. Many pipe connoisseurs collect pipes and rate the pipes they collect. Pipes are rated based on functionality and aesthetic qualities. Much of this rating is subjective, based upon individual pipe smoker and collector preference, although there are standard criteria that many pipe experts take into consideration.
1. Visit a pipe shop that specializes in pipes. These establishments are accustomed to allowing customers to closely examine and rate pipes. The staff at these shops are also typically experts who can help you assess the various aspects of each pipe. Many cities and towns have dedicated pipe or smoke shops. These are the best avenues for pipe shopping, rating and collecting.
2. Make a notebook for rating your pipes. Divide each sheet of paper into columns. Make a column for the name of the pipe and its manufacturer, a column for smoking properties, a column for aesthetic properties, and a column for the overall rating. Use a number rating system for each column.
3. Start with a couple of your favorite pipes. Try to include a variety of materials, such as briar, meerschaum and types of wood. Make notes about the way the wood affects the taste of the pipe tobacco. Try more than one flavor of pipe tobacco to ensure an accurate rating. Make notes about the whether the tobacco burns out too quickly or there is sufficient air flow to keep it burning hot.
4. Rate the aesthetic properties of the pipe. Describe the overall design of the pipe, and note your opinions about the quality of the design. Note whether the pipe is well balanced or awkward to hold. Does the design get in the way of smoking? Indicate whether you feel each pipe is ideal for functional use, collecting only, or both.
5. Refer to your notebook and the number ratings for each pipe you rate. Average the numbers in each column to come up with an overall rating for each pipe. If you have a specific recommendation to add, include that as well. This will give you enough information on each pipe to guide even the most avid pipe collector in making decisions about his pipe purchases.
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