Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dip Electric Tobacco

Dipping smokeless tobacco is a common habit among many groups of Americans who are addicted to the nicotine and action that comes with dipping. Smokeless tobacco gives the user the fix of smoking without the smoke, but unfortunately it still carries all of the risks.


1. Buy a container of moist smokeless tobacco from almost any grocery store or gas station. Choose your favorite cut from a fine to a twisted blend or a pouch for convenience. For first-time dippers, choose a light brand with a fine cut as this will separate easier and you can take a smaller amount.

2. Take a small coin-sized piece, also called a "pinch," from the tin with your fingers. Put this in your mouth between your lower gum and cheek. Move the tobacco into place with your tongue so that you have a rim along the length of your lower gums and pack it firmly into place inside your cheek.

3. Suck on the tobacco to create juices that will be responsible for absorbing the nicotine into your bloodstream through your mouth and gums. Spit out the juices and excess saliva every time they build up and never swallow them or leave them sitting in your mouth, as this will probably cause you to gag.

4. Leave the "dip" in your mouth for about 20 to 30 minutes or until the tobacco becomes dry or tasteless. Spit out the remaining excess or use your finger to scoop around the gum line.

5. Rinse your mouth out with plenty of water and spit until you have got rid of all the strands or leaves. Brush your teeth as soon as you can to try and prevent the gum diseases and conditions that occur from dipping tobacco.

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