Smoking damage tends to build up over years, coating the lungs in a thick black tar that makes breathing difficult. Smoking also increases the risk of serious chronic illnesses like emphysema or lung cancer. Quitting smoking will not instantly cure breathing problems but will help begin to repair some of the damage. You must commit yourself 100 percent to dropping cigarettes and and other forms of tobacco from your lifestyle and begin to implement habits that provide a solid foundation for repairing cardiovascular damage.
1. Purchase smoking quitting supplies like nicotine gum for times when you feel an urge to smoke, even if it has been months since you last lit up. Create new positive habits that replace the cigarettes, like doing five push-ups or going for a walk.
2. Discuss with a health care professional how long you smoked, how much you smoked and what your best options are. Ask about any permanent damage you might have incurred and seek recommendations for what you can do to ease the symptoms.
3. Begin a cardiovascular exercise routine to improve your heart health and lung capacity. Go slowly at first so as not to overload your ailing cardiovascular system. Use a heart rate monitor to keep track of how hard your cardiovascular system is working, and stay within a safe range. Subtract your age from 220 to get your approximate maximum heart rate. Your safe training range is between 65 and 85 percent of your maximum.
4. Learn deep breathing relaxation techniques to lower your blood pressure and increase your lung capacity. Yoga classes offer similar benefits and can also help to improve your circulation.
5. Tell your friends and family that you are changing your lifestyle to be more active, and include them in your physical activities. Join a local intramural sports team, or try a class in kickboxing or tae kwon do. Anything that gets your heart rate elevated for an extended length of time can help you make cardiovascular improvements.
6. Try a lung detoxification program specifically targeting the harmful toxins that build up in the walls of the lungs after years of smoking.
7. Include cardiovascular exercise in every aspect of your daily life. Walk or bike to work and take the stairs whenever possible. For leisure, take a walk through an outdoor market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Small changes will add up over time, and your lungs with be healthier.
8. Stick to a sensible diet to avoid the weight gain usually associated with smoking. Following a healthy exercise plan will help offset this weight gain.
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